We are in the days of adversity, murder, high rising prices and famine. We see what the news is saying and what is written online.
2 Kings 6:17 tells us that by Faith we are able to see beyond what we can see and that what you think you are facing isn’t as bad as what you see. Elisha was in Dothan with his servant when the King sent a great army to surround that city, Elisha’s servant saw them and became fearful.
But Elisha could see beyond what the servant could see, so he prayed. Then the Lord opened the servant's eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha” (2 kings 6:1-17 emphasis on verse 17).
The miracle that was granted was that the young man was able to see what Elisha saw – the powerful “horses and chariots of fire” that surrounded Elisha. They were there to guard them, fight for them and to lead them to a place where they would be safe and be prosperous.
The Lord says, “The damage you thought you saw, isn’t what it appears to be. Though you are surrounded by death, lack and adversity the outcome is not what it appears to the naked eye. Do not forget his nature and love for you and that His protection encamps around us even when we can’t see it. Do not be discouraged about what you do see, for what you can’t see is greater than what you think you see.
In the back lash of war, the shrinking of the pandemic and a slow roll in the workforce You shall face many unknown obstacles in the months to come, which will appear to be difficult or treacherous at first sight, but on the other side of the unknown is the realization that the journey was not as difficult or treacherous as it will appear at first sight, keep pushing to get through the unknown - unfamiliar to the place of prosperity and peace in God.
Faith in him through the unknown un-chartered territory is the key that unlocks the promise, it is not what shall appear to you.
We must have discernment in every situation. Allow God to be the guide and do not be blinded by your emotions or what you see. Just as a wrecked vehicle may appear to be damaged on the outside, but the inside remains untarnished, unmovable and capable of getting you to the next place. Recognize that the damage you thought, isn’t really what it appears at first sight. Keep the faith.
Pray, discern and trust God!