This is a season to prepare both spiritually and naturally. Prepare your spirit for your next. Glean from the right counsel in this season that will provoke preparation for your next.
Be intentional in setting time to study and digest the meat of the word of God. We are entering a season where if you are only able to digest milk you are going to be malnourished in the spirit and will not be able to seize your next. Prepare in the natural for there will be more
things that will become scarce.
Walk in wisdom that you will move wisely, not in fear or a spirit of desperation, but skillfully preparing for the time and season.
Position yourself ahead of the turmoil. In order to receive the miracle, you must be in right position. Positioning is not always sitting and waiting in a sedentary state, but positioning are movements, following the instructions, that will cause you to seize the moment of your God
ordained opportunity.
Your preparation and your position will determine how you will be able to seize your God ordain moments. We decree and declare the anointing to prepare, position and seize shall be your portion. Decree my preparation will position me to seize my
Prepare -Joshua 1:11 “Pass through the midst of the camp and command the people, saying, ‘Prepare provisions for yourselves, for within three days you are going to cross this Jordan, to go in to take possession of the
land which the Lord your God is giving you, to possess it.’”
Position – Joshua 6:3 And you shall march around the city, all the men of war circling the city once. You shall do so for six days.
Seize – Joshua 6:16 And at the seventh time, when the priests blew the trumpets, Joshua said to the people, “Shout! For the Lord has given you the
Prepare – make ready or able to do or deal with something.
Position- a place where someone or something is located or has been put.
Seize – take hold of suddenly; take an opportunity or initiative eagerly and decisively.