God Says Be A Global Watchman! By Rosemary
God is not just working in our backyards; He is moving across the globe. So, we must be global minded going forward. Now is the time to see beyond borders, because what affects one affects another. God has allowed us access to see and hear what's happening globally for a purpose and not by happenstance. Social media and the Web are tools to be used as a visual portal (we can see what's happening all over the world) and an access portal (we
can interact with others all over the world). As we think globally and take advantage of these access points, The Lord wants us to pay attention to 1) nature, 2) government, and 3) industry (in this order).
First, pay attention to nature, because it is what God created to sustain our habitation. Look for the groaning signs of nature calling mankind to get in order. We will see greater irregularity in the change of seasons, tremblings of the earth, frequent winds and storms, and land shifts. Watch for changes in creatures' behavior and eco-systems. Know when these things are changing, I (The Lord) Am moving to make greater changes to prepare
for the great coming together. (Romans 8:19-23)
Secondly, pay attention to government, because it is what God established secondly in the building of a nation. Order and structure come from God. When man rejects God's order and structure and chooses to make his own, it is rebellion. The Lord has already told us how the government of this world will be corrupt and greedy. The Lord says, My government and Kingdom are coming like a whirlwind and the world will not see it, but my
chosen people will see it. I am coming to set order from what has been disorder. I am sending a Josiah spirit into the earth to set My houses and My government in alignment, so that My work can be fulfilled in this season. It will be My Word that draws hearts back to Me and My Word will be established as the true order. (1 Samuel 8:6-20) (2 Kings 23:1-15) (Romans 13:1,3-4)
Thirdly, pay attention to industry, because it is what God allowed to build economies. Industry is where economy and metropolis building takes place. If this is developed with godly purpose, it will bring godly success. Unfortunately, mankind has made industry for self-gain and not for God's glory. I, The Lord, will tear down and rebuild man's systems, then My people will have open access to the benefits of a new industrialization.
Methods you have seen in the past will slowly fade, and traditions you have benefited from will soon crumble. Do not fear, do not be confused, and do not be deceived, but listen for My voice. I will show you and you will see a new emergence which will be My system My way, says the Lord. (Genesis 11:1-9)
Now, PRAY for the things I (The Lord) have said and testify to what you have heard. Be A Global Watchman to warn, set order and structure, and take possession. Go quickly to do this, because I (The Lord) Am your help.
As a Speaker, Author, Leader, and Trainer (SALT), Rosemary Winbush has leveraged her faith, ministry and business expertise, and prophetic gift for Building Better Lives (personal, professional, and family). Rosemary has worked and served in ministry and in business for more than 30 years. She is gifted in helping others reach their maximum potential through self-evaluation, developing directional tracks, and
producing results that yield success. She has written published curriculum for children and preteen ministry and has built and lead teams of more than 250 volunteers with specialized leadership roles. She has authored spiritually based help books, produced inspirational healing and affirmation albums, and created marriage relationship building tools to help transform lives. Rosemary is the founder and host of the BEST Me project for elementary age
students, The7Movement biblical studies project for women, and the co-founder of the Children's Ministry International Prayer Initiative. Rosemary is a trainer and coach to individuals, specialized groups, and ministry and business leadership teams. She and her husband, Wyman, are owner of Kairos International and WRW International, LLC, companies committed to educating, empowering, and inspiring others to achieve success. www.rosemarywinbush.com