It's time to pitch your tents in new spiritual regions and spaces. No more wondering around waiting to get what has been promised.
*Come out of dry places,
*Come out of unfruitful cycles,
*Come out of rebellion, and
*Come out of agreement with old belief systems.
As you leave the wilderness, you will hear me in a different manner. So, desire to hear My voice louder, says the Lord.
*I AM increasing the volume,
*I AM pushing My frequency,
*I AM positioning things to be in your reach,
*I AM creating a pathway for you, and
*I AM with you, says The Lord.
Be ready to pitch your tent in My CAMP, says The Lord.
Jesus pitched His tent and dwelt among us, so we would have access to The Father. (John 1:14) God wants us to pitch our tents in places where others will have access to Him. These regions and spaces are not intended to be permanent, but they are temporary and mobile. When your work is finished in one region/space, be ready (on The Father's command) to move to the next.
Do not be fearful or hesitant to shift or to transition, and do not be concerned with who comes or goes, just follow My lead, says The Lord. I WILL do the work in you. (John 14:10)
I WILL move like a storm across the lands and I WILL make MY power known throughout the lands. (Isaiah 40:3-5)
I WILL position My people for the Day of The Lord. (Ezekiel 30:3-4)
THE WILDERNESS HAS RELEASED YOU, because I have commanded it to be so, says The Lord. (Deuteronomy 8:2) As some of the children of Israel were not able to go into the promised land, count it an honor to see the fresh wind of what I AM doing. So, take the liberty and freedom which is upon you and move into the places I have already promised you. Clouds and fire have kept you, but this day MY PRESENCE and POWER are your weapons and victors.
As a Speaker, Author, Leader, and Trainer (SALT), Rosemary has leveraged her faith, ministry and business expertise, and prophetic gift to Build Better Lives. Rosemary has worked and served in ministry and in business for more than
30 years. She is gifted in helping others reach their maximum potential through self-evaluation, developing directional tracks, and producing results that yield success. As a former Children and Preteen Pastor for over 19 years, she has written published curriculum for children and preteen ministry and has built and led teams of more than 250 volunteers with specialized leadership roles. She has authored spiritually based help books, produced inspirational healing and
affirmation albums, written articles for highly visible spiritually based magazines, and created marriage relationship building tools to help transform lives. Rosemary has ministered globally and presented on numerous podcasts, radio shows, and at national conferences. She is the founder and host of the BEST Me project for elementary age students, The7Movement biblical studies project for women,
and the co-founder of the Children's Ministry International Prayer Initiative. Rosemary is a trainer and coach to individuals, companies, and families. She and her husband, Wyman, are owners of Kairos International and WRW International, LLC, two companies committed to educating, empowering, and inspiring others to achieve divine success. To find out more about what Rosemary has to offer, visit her website
GOD SAYS: Not only am I Restoring, but I am Restocking! Celeste Payne
Not only am I Restoring, but I am Restocking….
Some things were in your storehouse and were used as needed for your benefit in the last season. It wasn’t stolen, it wasn’t wasted, it was used by you for its intended purpose. Today, I am breathing on your storehouses again and I am restocking, says the Spirit of God. I am fitting you with a NEW supply and REPLENISHING what was used. Even ideas that seem dusty and on the shelf, I am REPURPOSING and REPOSITIONING them like NEW.
Additionally, like the stores restock the shelves with new merchandise, I am RESTOCKING you with NEW ideas, NEW strategies, NEW deposits, NEW contracts, NEW investors, investments and inventions, NEW patrons/customers, NEW territories, NEW products and offers, so that your storehouse will be refilled and overflowed. These things will be REGENERATING and cause income and results that are RECURRING so that one effort will produce the RESIDUAL.
I declare that there is a RESTOCKING in my life and what I don’t have will no longer be my. focus. And as I honor God with what is produced, my barns will be filled to overflowing, and my vats will brim over with new wine. (Proverbs 3:10)
Celeste Payne combines is a marketplace minister and creative that uses self-care strategies to help people from all walks of life relax, de-stress, and discover innovative solutions to barriers that may be hindering their success. She is a certified art teacher, and award-winning graphic designer that empowers small businesses in graphic design education and supports her clients through online courses and coaching. Celeste is a two-time Amazon best-selling author and an impactful
presenter at empowerment workshops and conferences. Through in-person and virtual activities like painting parties and arts classes, she has been able to inspire and empower people from across the globe. She is owner of The Chortazo Art Gallery in Baton Rouge, LA, the place “Where Creativity Meets Empowerment.”
Need A Deeper Level of Prophetic Mentorship but NOT ready for School or College of Prophets?
Emerging Prophetic Voices, Dreamers, Psalmists THIS LIVE VIRTUAL event is just for you!
Are you stuck trying to figure out "this" prophetic calling on your own, most of the time.
Do you know you need help, but can't seem to find the right help?
Listen, you don't have to walk through your prophetic journey alone. Especially as you are GROWING into who God created you to be.
Join me and Prophet Andrea on Monday April 18 at 8pm EST. for a special GROUP PROPHETIC DISCOVERY and Q & A session.
Yep, bring all your questions and let's see if it's time for you to join the GICMP EMERGE PROPHETIC MENTORSHIP PROGRAM!
God Says Get In Order! By Marilyn Weekes
'ORDER' is the word for the day, and, particularly, for April 2022 and into the next three to six months.
Do all you can to get finances and credit in order or on an improved track in anticipation of the days ahead, and even the years ahead. Don't settle for good, bad or mediocre credit.
Intentionally aim for outstanding!
Present the truth to Me regarding your circumstances, including the good, the bad and the ugly. For I am Your God and I heal, deliver and set free from every bondage.
Present yourselves as a living sacrifice before me, wholly, acceptable which is your reasonable service. In so doing, Seek My forgiveness, MY wisdom, MY counsel, and MY direction and walk therein step-by-step, day-by-day. Expect miracles as you draw near to me. ASK! SEEK! KNOCK! Expect and watch opportunities
present themselves before you. Yes, even opportunities and situations that would astound you. Allow your faith to rise. Give thanks! Yet be diligent in the practical and material aspects of getting affairs in order, prioritizing as you go.
Do not let the spirit of FEAR grip you, regardless of what your situation is. Do not be intimidated by that which would make you think that you cannot rise above your circumstances. For I the LORD Am Your Shepherd. Remember that I give you My Spirit of Miracle Working Power, My Spirit of Unconditional Love,
and of a Sound Mind. Another RESET is going to happen and so these actions are part of that which shall prepare you to be on top and not beneath for I am the Lord Your God.
About Dr. Marilyn E. Weekes
Dr. Marilyn E. Weekes
Dr. Marilyn E. Weekes is an ordained prophet and pioneering senior ministry leader, crisis care | strategic intervention coach, published editor and private real estate financing entrepreneur. She serves as the College of Prophets’ (COP) Advisor & COP Recruitment Rep at the Global Institute of
Church & Marketplace Prophets.
Dr. Marilyn has a 30+ year interdisciplinary background in the U.S. Treasury and Federal Reserve financial services sectors, including bank examinations, general services administration and public & community affairs where she has served as a central bank official with responsibilities in the
six state New England District.
She received her Doctor of Ministry (Effective Ministries to Women) and Master of Divinity degree (Urban Ministries) from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in MA. Here she also served as an administrator and adjunct professor. She also earned her undergraduate degree in Economics from Wheaton
College, Massachusetts.
Her motto is “…With God, all things are possible” (Mark 10:27b).
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