There are some who say NO NEED to celebrate PASSOVER. However, I choose to at least acknowledge this HOLY TIME, just as many "celebrate" GOOD FRIDAY.
After all, the Bible is clear: Jesus HIMSELF is our PASSOVER LAMB. And He celebrated the last meal, PASSOVER meal with his DISCIPLES.
Jesus was the ULTIMATE SACRIFICIAL LAMB who was crucified and who ROSE again that we as believers might have eternal life.
This year at Global Prophetic Life, we are celebrating our FIRST FRUITS on this RESURRECTION SUNDAY. God spoke this very clear to me and now I see why,
We are offering our gifts and FIRST FRUITS of the HARVEST knowing that as we do so, God will bless.
Plus, these firstfruits will help us continue moving forward in the mandate He has for our local hub and GLOBAL MINISTRY. If you are interested in hearing more regarding FIRST FRUITS do join us SUNDAY at 3:30pm online or IN-PERSON.
And if you are led to join us in releasing our FIRST FRUITS, please don't hesitate to do so. I'm sure it will sowing a special seed during this time will UNLOCK BLESSINGS.