There is nothing worse than not being able to operate at the level we are called to. The Lord says, 'Keep Your Gift Sharp. Begin to practice what you have been afraid to do! The reason for your fear is the oppressor. Fear is a paralyzer of faith, BUT Faith is the destroyer of fear. Rise up and
use the anointing inside when every opportunity presents itself.'
The sharper our gifts become, the easier we can flow in them. The easier we flow, the higher we can go. Step out on faith and walk in the fullness of the gifting of God with holiness in us.
When I call you, says The Lord, 'you will go with My Force and My Word.
You will plow through the trenches of trouble and the ways of men. You will see Me around every corner, for I will be your buckler and shield and protector. STRENGTHEN YOUR HEARTS AND FOCUS ON ME. I AM The Way, The Truth, and The Life. You are My messengers to the world and as you lift Me, I will draw souls by the love I have demonstrated towards you. I AM near and never far. I AM in everything for I AM everything. Hear Me and
be ready when I call.'
(2 Timothy 1:6; Psalm 91:4; John 14:6; 1 Peter 3:15-16; 1 Peter 1:13-15)