Yes, , if I must say so myself, this course is INDEED rich! But you know I'm not going to
say this without some EVIDENCE too!! LOL
I'm just happy to hear so many students getting the clarity they need.
Annnnd, I want you to get that same clarity , if you're in the same boat.
Essentially you know you're a STRONG prophet that builds and sometimes people even call you APOSTLE, but you're still not quite sure about that.
If that's you, I want to you to sign up for this course NOW, while the specials still exist. Until the end of the month.
Tuesday was class 5 and we have (3) more that you can join us for LIVE, but when you make your investment today, you get access to all (5) REPLAYS immediately!!
And yes, I know they will bless you, just like they are blessing the current students.
Listen in to what some of them have to say!
The class is $300 but there are (3) different installment plans, including a (6) pay. I got another inbox from someone saying they would enroll once they got the funds. I then asked if a 6-pay of $50 would help. He said YES and so I'm telling YOU, , just in case you need to take this course or KNOW SOMEONE ELSE who may need to.
Be sure to share with them!! The can grab the special for the next 2 weeks via
No, it's NOT too later to REGISTER. Register NOW and get access to MODULES 1 - 5 IMMEDIATELY. Yes, I'm teaching this summer course LIVE and IN-PERSON via ZOOM!!
DON'T WAIT TOO LATE, register TODAY before the course increases.
Apostle Dwann
Here's why I added the 3-pay,
I've had several inboxes and many many people clicking on the videos seemingly interested in THE APOSTOLIC PROPHET. Some were able to put their faith to work and inquire about another payment plan.
Anddd, here's what I know. Anytime one person asks, that means there are many more who probably are afraid to or haven't gotten around to it.
Soooo, I added (3) pay for those who want to join us tonight at $100 every 30 days for (3) months. Remember the class is 8 weeks and is being recorded and starts at 9pm EST tonight. Once you register you get access to the PRE-REQUISITE teaching THE PROPHET and you'll get the information for access to the class. YOU READY?
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Ready To Go To Your Next Level
Hey there ,
Want to share what I'll be teaching during THE APOSTOLIC PROPHET SUMMER COURSE. It will take place for 8 weeks starting Tuesday and is just $300. Right now you can do (2) Installments of $150 (30 days a part) if need be.
If you know you're a prophet called tot BUILD and really work with to help build the VISION of the apostle you're connected to, you will love this course. It's also good for those who may not really understand the difference between an Apostle and an Apostolic Prophet. Let's work!
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The Global Institute of Church & Marketplace Prophets is pleased to announce the awarding of 10 SCHOLARSHIPS as we prepare to CELEBRATE 10 YEARS OF PROPHETIC CONVOCATION.
Each year during prophetic convocation prophets who have officially processed through THE GICMP Affirmation Track aka COLLEGE OF PROPHETS are publicly affirmed.
During this year's celebration we will officially award scholarships to 10 well-deserving prophetic voices who are ready to be officially trained for service.
Scholarship awards will range from $500 - $1000 k towards tuition with at least (2) students receiving scholarships to cover their FULL-TUITION.
How Do You Qualify?
1. We have (2) types of scholarships 1 for those 50 and older (Never Too Late) and 1 for Millennials born during the years (1981 - 1996)
2. Simply go here to apply and fill out application in full:
3. Click send ...
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If you know you're ready to get started NOW, JUMP ON A CALL WITH ME, Prophet Andrea or Dr. Marilyn THIS MONTH if you're considering our COLLEGE OF PROPHETS! or need help determining which one of our mentorship or training programs is best for you.
Every time I get off of a session with a prophetic student, they are SETTLED and ready to move forward.
You next?
Don't be shy.
Apostle Dwann
When I first launched GICMP and the COLLEGE OF PROPHETS, my business educational marketing strategy involved a series of weekly or monthly prophetic webinars, to educate and grab the attention of prospective students.
Then in 2011 God had me do my first PUBLIC AFFIRMATION of a prophet.
Then starting in 2013 I did it formally through PROPHETIC CONVOCATION! (YEP, 2022 WILL BE 10 YEARS!!! GET READY!!)
Every year thousands, prophetic voices have come through my online portals and LIVE events
The prophets who have matriculated through the affirmation track aka GICMP COLLEGE OF PROPHETS have been tremendous in their roles as COP MENTORS, ADVISORS and RECRUITERS,
Sooooa as long as I do my job as VISIONARY we keep making progress, even without me being on the phone lines.
God has blessed us and I haven't HAD to do heavy hands-on "recruitment" if you will.
But as we continue to BUILD this vision God has given me,
I felt the unction in 2022 to open my personal calendar in February and March to actually chat with the new breed of prophetic voices that are out here and need help.
I'm so glad that I obeyed.
I'm loving these calls!!!
I'm able to give these new voices clarity on destiny and what it takes to really manifest as God's Kingdom Prophet or even PROPHETIC MENTOR, even in the midst of this pandemic.
It's also giving me LIFE as I give clarity while sharing the VISION of GICMP COLLEGE OF PROPHETS.
And nope, it's NOT just about the church.
- It's about the KINGDOM!!
- It's about TRAINING PROPHETS to go back into their local bodies and do exactly what God has assigned them to do.
Plus, it's also about making sure those PROPHETS in the marketplace are READY for whatever comes their way AS you profit in purpose.
As I have said this year, Now, more than ever it’s time to embrace your prophetic call.
Now more than ever you have to know who God created you to be, whether it’s a:
- Prophet
- Marketplace Prophet
- Prophetic Psalmist
- Prophetic Dreamer
- Prophetic Intercessor
- Prophetic Worshiper.
No, you don’t have to figure this out on your own, nor do you have to walk through your prophetic journey alone.
It’s time to dig deeper and partner with God to manifest your destiny.
- No more running.
- No more denying.
- No more apologizing.
It’s time to give God another YES and mean it for real.
Let's talk it through real quick AND DETERMINE if our COLLEGE OF PROPHETS is for you!
Apostle Dwann
SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY. This is not for "prophecy
Emerging Prophetic Voices, Dreamers, Psalmists THIS LIVE VIRTUAL event is just for you! LISTEN IN TO THE REPLAY!!
Are you stuck trying to figure out "this" prophetic calling on your own, most of the time.
Do you know you need help, but can't seem to find the right help?
Listen, you don't have to walk through your prophetic journey alone. Especially as you are GROWING into who God created you to be.