Hey there !!
I wanted to share the above business article with you because it speaks so beautifully to what I tend to find on a regular basis when dealing with NEW and even not-so-new business owners.
Many times you're not getting enough sales and clients because you really don't KNOW who your client is.
Essentially that's what this article is all about.
During Miracles in the Marketplace I was able to help a couple of marketplace leaders SEE this very thing, by working with them in the HOT SEAT.
And yes, there were some questions that came about regarding FB ADS as well as YOUTUBE, soooo I've carved off some time to work with you and others like you, who may need help with FOOT TRAFFIC or online traffic as we move into the summer months.!
According to smallbiztrends.com : " Some seasonal businesses heat up during the summertime, but most businesses see a major slow-down during the summer months. Clients and customers take vacations, and new projects and purchases are usually delayed until after the vacation season dies down."