Good morning ,
I haven't been on prophetic discovery calls for YEARS now,
When I first launched GICMP and the COLLEGE OF PROPHETS, my business strategy involved a series of weekly or monthly prophetic webinars, to grab the attention of prospective students.
In 2011 God had me do my first PUBLIC AFFIRMATION of a prophet, then starting in 2013 I did it formally though PROPHETIC CONVOCATION! (YEP, 2022 WILL BE 10 YEARS!!! GET READY!!)
Then years following, the prophets who have matriculated through the COP have been tremendous in their roles as COP MENTOR and ADVISORS and RECRUITERS,
Sooooa as long as I do my job and push the content out... we keep making progress,
God has blessed us and I haven't HAD to do heavy hands-on "recruitment" if you will.
But as we continue to BUILD this vision God has given me,
I felt the unction to open my personal calendar and actually chat with the new breed of prophetic voices that are out here and need help,
I'm so glad that I made this move.
Because I'm loving these calls, as I really give these new voices clarity on destiny and what it takes to really manifest as God's Kingdom Prophet or even PROPHETIC MENTOR.
It's giving me LIFE as I give clarity and as I share the VISION of GICMP COLLEGE OF PROPHETS.
And nope, it's NOT just about the church.
It's about the KINGDOM!!
As I have said this year, Now, more than ever it’s time to embrace your prophetic call.
Now more than ever you have to know who God created you to be, whether it’s a:
Marketplace Prophet
Prophetic Psalmist
Prophetic Dreamer
Prophetic Intercessor
Prophetic Worshiper.
No, you don’t have to figure this out on your own, nor do you have to walk through your prophetic journey alone.
It’s time to dig deeper and partner with God to manifest your destiny.
No more running.
No more denying.
No more apologizing.
It’s time to give God another YES and mean it for real.
Apostle Dwann
SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY. This is not for "prophecy)
, I"M ALSO VERY EXCITED that we are now going to be offering ROLLING ENROLLMENT every month for our COLLEGE OF PROPHETS !
And with that we are able to offer at the new rate of just $3k ...with a DEPOSIT OF JUST $500 to reserve your space and get you started. And we now have another FINANCING partner that is able to FINANCE our "smaller" COACHING and CERTIFICATION programs like the COP and COA!!
Annnnd, NO, you don't have to get ORDAINED or AFFIRMED by me if you just want to AUDIT or process through to get your CERTIFICATES of COMPLETION. Makes sense More on that later. But feel free to email me back or text me at 877.595.9117 and I or Dr. Marilyn will get back to you.
Also, NO you don't have to get ordained or affirmed by me. You can go through this program for the education and to receive CERTIFICATES of COMPLETION via every track. (roughly 8 to 10) And yes, you may do so at your OWN pace.
Listen, text. back TODAY so we can get you a spot to chat with PROPHET, Dr. Marilyn.
Have a great DAY!
Apostle Dwann 877.595. 9117 (TEXT)
Prophetic Word of The Lord: THE SEASON OF MULTIPLE ARKS: In this season, I am releasing the spirit of Noah, Daniel, and Joseph. There will be many that will do things that look crazy, new, or different. They will build things that seem silly to the natural mind.
These things are business ideas, church models, inventions, ways of living, banking, and investment firms. It will look silly or unfamiliar. They may look foolish but, it is I the Lord who uses the foolish things to confound the wise. These foolish things are arks.
When Noah built his ark there was one. But in this season these Arks are being built two by two. Just like Noah brung animals in the ark in pairs of two. These Arks are in pairs two by two. These arks will be built in this manner.
1. The ark of the Bride & The Remnant
2. The ark of Health & Wealth
3. The ark of Business & Finance
4. The ark of Marriage & Family
5. The ark of Technology & Media
6. The ark of the Single & Successful
Some people may fit in multiple categories. These arks that are being built, are to transition the six areas into the next season and to shift us into the new era.
My children, can’t you see that things have changed. Don’t sleep, but watch. Pray for those that are building these arks!
Pray for the Noah’s who are building the arks for the Bride & The Remnant. These are those who are building and keeping the church together in non-conventional ways.
These will be places of training, schools, pop-up gatherings, virtual gatherings, and Artificial Intelligence aka AI ministries. Pray for them because the old wineskin will kick up the most when it comes to the shift. They will demand that I move in the old way. But I, the Lord, am the creator of technology. I will not have my bride, my church be left behind and an old era.
2. Pray for the Noahs who are building the arks of Health & Wealth.
Health: There will continue to be exposure to the FDA. What they approve and why. There is a hidden agenda that sits in the high seat of the FDA. Great exposure shall come to the FDA. Motives will be revealed. Natural or holistic health will continue to be on the rise. Because of the uncovering and the truth behind hidden things. More doctors will begin to lean to a natural approach over a synthetic one.
Wealth: These are the Noah’s who have an abundance. They will begin to build safety nets to keep their wealth. They will give strategies on how you can obtain the wealth that you need to sustain.
3. Pray for the Noah’s building the ark of Business & Finance. These are those in real estate, MLM, trading, and multiple online streams of income. Watch people, for they are building this ark strategically. Pay attention, and heed their instruction.
4. Pray for the Noah’s building the Ark for Marriage & family. You will have to find creative ways to keep this unit strong. There will be an increase of things pulling to divide this ark. For this ark is precious to me says the Lord. It was how I chose to replenish the earth. And how I desire to continue to replenish it. Families need to cultivate this ark because the enemy doesn’t want this unit to be. My plan is husband-wife and
children. The enemy has been perverting this unit, but I am preserving my institution.
5. Pray for the Noah’s building the ark of Technology and media. These Noahs are building day by day, minute by minute. Because they are the ones who are forerunning the shift to the new era. You will have to be discerning with the media. I am building up those that will tell the truth without trying to persuade you.
6. Pray for the Noah’s who are building the ark for the Single & Successful. Tell my singles they will be OK. I the Lord, have given you the ability to survive and thrive. You are covered by me. You will make it through the transition.
For all six of these arks serves as protection from the extinction of things that are changing. What used to exist will exist no more. It is a new era, a new time, a new day.
The spirit of Daniel and Joseph are those that will be able to help tremendously in the shift. The Daniels have been studying, training, and learning already. They have been dreaming, Fasting, Praying, interpreting dreams, and boldly standing out in the marketplace. In their jobs, businesses, entertainment, and government.
The Josephs have already been betrayed, put in jail, and in prison not literally but they have been prepared for such a time as this. These are the ones to help maintain the land as we prepare for the shift. The Joseph’s and Daniels.
These things have begun and will continue in 2022 (+) Plus. You will begin to see things happen as a sign of the season that we are in. You are already in the shift. Prepare, yes even in the midst of biochemical warfare. Be wise, protect yourself, pray, declare, decree. Even in the midst of the spirit of fear and trauma.
I am the same God of the Bible. I can do great things. There will continue to be variants of Covid, but I, the Lord am God even over COVID-19, Delta, Omicron, and what is to come. I am LORD. And everything shall bow to me. Things that are seen and unseen. I am that I am. For I the lord surely shall do nothing without first revealing my secrets to my servants the prophets. I am releasing a spirit of boldness into the mouth of my prophets.
I am bringing them out of hiding. Come forth. Noah’s come forth, Daniels come forth, Joseph’s come forth!
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Though many #Prophets walk in REJECTION regularly, cycle after cycle year after year, FEW ever really get completely delivered from
the magnitude of the mess they’ve weaved themselves into, if they’re NOT willing to hear and act on THE TRUTH.
Thus, you move into cycles of isolation and false clarity based on the proclivities and wounds to your mantle.
Though it appears you are making progress and still hearing God, most forget – A Prophet is a Prophet is a Prophet, because the word tells us in Romans 11:29 “God's gifts and his call are irrevocable.”
So even in your sin state and even in your STATE OF REJECTION and CONFUSION, most Prophets, still hear God speaking, though their filters of intake may be cloudy.
Yet, when it’s time for public affirmation, God will make sure that the residue of rejection that has plagued you is dealt with before this next level of elevation.
However, once this elevation takes place, know that the next TEST and TRIAL regarding your deliverance from rejection will come forth in order to really determine, just how far you’ve come in your maturity!
Prophets Walking In Rejection tend to:
1. Reject others BEFORE they can reject YOU! to help “protect” yourself from MORE perceived rejection- ie: Your attitude and your mouth is 9 times out of 10 on “blast” of others and “boldly” yet “pettily” tell the truth in “nasty” ways in order to “stand-up” for yourself, just in case someone is about to “take advantage of you and your kindness”
2. Reject yourself by staying complacent INSTEAD of OR BEFORE you “try and fail” – your state of rejection causes you to NOT go after your dreams or INCREASE simply because you’re afraid to fail because failure in your mind is connected to REJECTION.
3. Reject divine relationships by RUNNING when those in covenant with you LEAST expect it- ie: You can and only will stay connected in covenant relationships for a “SET” amount of time in order to protect yourself. Just when the relationship begins to get deeper, you split or redraw the boundaries to protect yourself.
4. Reject RESPONSIBILITY by leaving in the midst of elevation – More Responsibility is an opportunity for more correction and more accountability.
5. Reject TEAMS by leaving in the midst of challenging leadership: Thus, if you’re not ready to truly accept next-level moves, Prophets in the Marketplace and in the Church will simply quit, back-up or move to avoid being responsible for TEAMS or having to be responsible in a new area that may require new levels of learning and vulnerability to possible failure.
6. Reject Accountability by not agreeing with Correction: You’re so overly confident in yourself, you rarely accept correction. Though you might respectfully listen, you don’t agree or accept correction because – “You just don’t agree”
7. Reject Commitment by disagreeing or NOT agreeing to make commitments
8. Reject Honor – Though you know how to show honor most times you fight or reject honoring certain people because you feel others have rejected honoring you.
9. Reject Respect – Though you know how to show respect many times you disrespect those around you and whom you’re in relationship with including your Pastors and Apostles simply because you feel no respect has been shown to you.
10. Reject Unity – You sow division by warning others to “steer clear” or be careful of new folks on the team or in the congregation. Most of the time for impure reasons.
The Global Institute of Church & Marketplace Prophets