Hey there {{ subscriber.name }}, Yes, I remember feeling so ashamed after my girls' father cheated on me. I was in ministry ... I was in love with my college sweetheart, And never imagined a pain like that. Nevertheless in the midst of my pain, God still sent couples who needed to know GOD STILL HONORS COVENANT. Through my tears, God somehow strengthened me to LEAD in the midst of brokenness. Yet, there is a better way. We've got to get beyond the brokenness, to a healthy place. You ready! Even if you say, my pain is a bit different or ....hmmm I need a different kind of help. I'm sure this retreat will be LIFE CHANGING. Check out the info and reserve your spot today. You have
until January 23 to pay in full. I know it's going to be worth it! Apostle Dwann Would love for you to join us in Orlando during the LAST weekend of January 2023!! LOCATION: THE BEAUTIFUL BONNET CREEK RESORT - ORLANDO FLORIDA!!! Check-in Thursday January 26 -
Check-out Sunday January 29 - Let's do the work! You get 13 MODULES of INNER-HEALING and DELIVERANCE at your own pace for just $49.99 vs $299 Hey there!! Yep, I'm excited. It's our first time coming together for PPE in 2 years. Or has it been 3?! Come get your personal prophetic word for 23 and beyond on FRIDAY DECEMBER 16th, 7pm here in
Jacksonville Doubletree by Hilton Jacksonville Airport Bring your smart devices to record
Hey there! If your book is ready to publish ...meaning you need the COVER, BACK COVER, the pages laid out properly and it uploaded to AMAZON, we can help. And yes, we can get it done pretty fast. Meaning you could have your new book out by Christmas or the NEW YEAR, if it's really readyd to go. But this DOESN'T INCLUDE, editing your writing or printing it ... But you CAN print author copies from Amazon once we help you upload. Make sense? And guess what, it's just $397 or 3 installments of $153. You ready? 27 Prophetic Products for $27 is back! Overcoming Rejection Pt 1 Overcoming Rejection Pt 2 Overcoming Rejection Pt
3 Prophetic Analogy: Discerning The Prophetic Vs The Occult (Witchcraft) Prophetic Analogy : Discerning Prophetic Analogy: Interpreting Portals Understanding
The Apostle Understanding The Prophet Understanding The Evangelist Understanding The Teacher Winning Against Apostolic & Prophetic Witchcraft The Prophetic Vault - GICMP INNER - CIRCLE TRAINING SNEAK PEEK Jan 21 Jax School of Prophets Jan 21 The Prophetic Vault - GICMP INNER - CIRCLE TRAINING SNEAK PEEK Feb 21 Jax School of Prophets
21 The Prophetic Vault - GICMP INNER - CIRCLE TRAINING SNEAK PEEK March 21 Jax School of Prophets 21 Apostolic Insight from Apostle Dwann - Prophetic Convocation 2021 Marketplace Ministry Masterclass Prophets of the Bible 101 - MAJOR PROPHETS OF THE BIBLE Prophets of the Bible 101 - MINOR PROPHETS OF THE BIBLE Prophets of the Bible 101 - FEMALE PROPHETS OF THE BIBLE Look, you don't want to miss out on this, 2 years of group prophetic mentorship for just $99!!! And you can split your payment up.... and if you want to switch out your current monthly one for this one...you can. But YOU'VE GOT to call or email us to STOP
your current monthly billing. Make sense? Stay tuned for more. Apostle Dwann Hey there! Just sending this quick email to make sure you KNOW
about our BLACK FRIDAY specials. Now look, please, please please don't miss out. Take advantage of them while they last, because when they are over they are over. I'll be sending out separate emails on all of
them too. Sooooo remember SCROLL TO THE BOTTOM and UNSUBSCRIBE if you don't want to get all these emails over the next 7 days. smh and lol I'm serious. It's NOT spam as you enrolled on my list because you invested in a course, program or something FREE. (smile) But anyway ...go here to check out what you can get NOW through Monday. After that, you just have CYBER MONDAY and also GIVING TUESDAY. Yep,
you're getting emails on both of those too, {{ subscriber.name }} You good! Chat with you later, Apostle
Dwann Good Morning Don't forget ...if you no longer want to receive these emails, scroll to the bottom and hit UNSUBSCRIBE! If you're ready to pray for your BUSINESS PROFITABILITY click the link to join me LIVE or click to listen to the replay if you open this email after 11am!! EST Today we're starting right at 10:40am! Feel free to forward to someone who may need prayer for their business or career. Apostle Dwann INVEST IN THESE BOOKS! THE GLOBAL CALL TO MARKETPLACE MINISTRY COMMANDING YOUR MONEY GICMP Marketplace, Apostolic & Prophetic Resources Look, {{ subscriber.name }} we are
excited to START OUR LIVE MENTORSHIP for the COLLEGE OF PROPHETS back up TODAY!!! You, ready Prophet? You still have time to join us any month. But I highly encourage you to start NOW or before the end of the year. We have a special monthly rate of just $250 per month ...or you can email me back to get info our our IN-HOUSE FINANCING partner. But here's the list of all the dates
we're meeting live!! Nov 2, 2022 09:00
PM Dec 7, 2022 09:00 PM Jan 4, 2023 09:00 PM Feb 1, 2023 09:00 PM Mar 1, 2023 09:00 PM Apr 5, 2023 09:00 PM May 3, 2023 09:00 PM Jun 7, 2023 09:00 PM Jul 5, 2023 09:00 PM Aug 2, 2023 09:00 PM Sep 6, 2023 09:00 PM Oct 4, 2023 09:00 PM Nov 1, 2023 09:00 PM Dec 6, 2023 09:00 PM Jan 3, 2024 09:00 PM Feb 7, 2024 09:00 PM Mar 6, 2024 09:00 PM Apr 3, 2024 09:00 PM May 1, 2024 09:00 PM Jun 5, 2024 09:00 PM Jul 3, 2024 09:00 PM Aug 7, 2024 09:00 PM Sep 4, 2024 09:00 PM Oct 2, 2024 09:00 PM PLUS here's a link to the SYLLABUS. (starts on page 27) You ready? Just email me back and I'll have someone call you to enroll. Or you can go here to enroll on your own and get access to your foundational courses. Apostle Dwann IF YOU MISSED PROPHETIC CONVOCATION RECAP NUMBER 1 ...just click here: Hey there {{ subscriber.name }}! If you've been wanting to enroll in our COLLEGE OF PROPHETS accreditation program but you were concerned about whether or not you could afford the 3k, I HAVE GOOD NEWS FOR YOU!! We're bringing back our (12) month installments! Meaning, now you can GET STARTED for just $250 per
month!! That's right!!! $250 per month for (12) months via our installment program that doesn't require credit check etc .. Annnnnd, if you want or need (smaller payments over a longer period of time) we have a partnership with a FUNDING COMPANY that specifically helps to fund coaching
and educational programs like ours at GICMP!! YOU READY TO GET STARTED??? IF YOU WANT TO talk it through, book a call with Prophet Andrea to see if the EMERGE PROGRAM or our COLLEGE OF PROPHETS is best for you. Thanks, Apostle Dwann Hey there {{ subscriber.name }}! How are you. I know it's tough for
many right now. Especially as we continue building in these crazy times. I got a call the other day from one of our funding partners to remind me of how they can help small business owners during this time. If you need working capital or equipment or help building your business credit, be sure to check this out. Here are some of the RECENT fundings that have been provided. And if you know you need some financial help for your business but not quite sure if you qualify just head to the website and then set-up call
with an advisor who can help point you in the right direction. Hope this helps! And yes, fee free to share: Good morning {{ subscriber.name }}! How are you? I want to share what's been happening WITH
those who've booked APOSTOLIC ADVISEMENT sessions with me. God is really sending CREATIVES my way. Yesterday I was able to give some specific action items to a CREATIVE who has a degree in COMMUNICATIONS and minor in GRAPHIC DESIGN, who isn't working in her career field of choice and who I believe really could be and should be. Of course, she agreed so, I mapped out (3) easy action plans that are set to give her SPECIFIC RESULTS. If she follows that plan, I believe she will be emailing me with TESTIMONIES of God's faithfulness. The week before, I was able to help a full-time PROFESSIONAL WRITER determine her next plan of action regarding her personal business. She currently works for an AD AGENCY and it was fun to hear about what she doing as it relates to editing TV spots etc ... but her session was to help position her for INCREASE in
her personal business as a WRITER/EDITOR for others. I can't wait to hear her results. Of course each session, is spirit-led but I'm also able to apply my business coaching as practical guidance as well. Plus, we end in prayer and
all is recorded. Soooo, if you know you need another point of view and some GENTLE PUSHING or GUIDANCE regarding your current SPACE IN LIFE, go ahead and book today. before my special ends. Yes, I STILL HAVE A FEW MORE OF THESE BIRTHDAY SESSIONS AVAILABLE FOR JUST $84 VS $250 + ... I STILL HAVE A FEW MORE OF THESE BIRTHDAY SESSIONS AVAILABLE FOR JUST $84 VS $250 +
... Apostolic Guidance and Prophetic Advisement Sessions are for those seeking one-on-one spiritual advice. If You Need Prophetic Advice, Apostolic Insight & Clarity About: - Your life
circumstances. (Career, finances, love, relationships, transition)...
- Your business or ministry.
- A supernatural experience that you or a loved one is having.
- Ways to deepen or maintain your spiritual life.
- Natural or Spiritual Hindrances & Blocks
- A Dream you had or a Prophetic word you received.
. Book your session today to get the spiritual direction you need! This service
includes: - One 30-Minute Private Zoom Apostolic Guidance- Prophetic Advisement Session
- Prophetic Prayer
- Prophetic Solutions
Note: While times of prophecy may occur, that is not the intent of this service. Your time is not to be mistaken for solely one on one prophecy sessions. But rather a time for you to receive prophetic wisdom and insight inspired by the Holy Spirit through the mouth of His Prophet. This session will be a blessing and add clarity to your life.
Ummm, yes, you have to book some sort of session if I don't cover you or if you're not in one of my MENTORSHIP MASTERMINDS. ....soooooa, I'm sending this again,
just in case. YES, THESE SESSIONS ARE SIMILAR TO THE ONES THOSE I COVER VIA GICMP APOSTOLIC COVENANT CONNECTION HAVE ACCESS TO EVERY MONTH .... Sooooo, I decided to BLESS the first 12 who Apostolic Advisement at my birthday rate of $84! Stay tuned ... Apostle Dwann 877.595.9117 (text) or ext 3 GOOD MORNING!1 My team STARTED my pre-birthday CELEBRATIONS with a zoom party. Led by GICMP Overseer, Prophet Katabia Henry!! It was so fun! I LAUGHED A LOT ..told myself I wasn't going to cry ...THEN ...tears!! More on that later. I'll share some video in another email. Or check out my IG and FB pages. But just a
note of thanks to all of those who jumped on the zoom and to those who support what God is doing in and through me and GICMP. You know I have some BIRTHDAY SPECIALS too, created just for you!! STAY TUNED ... Apostle Dwann We are celebrating Apostle Dwann's Birthday All Week long! Her official Birthday is tomorrow.
However, we are starting early. Join Us and sow a birthday blessing seed of $23.06 as we prophetically decree, "Surely Goodness and mercy shall follow her all the days of her life".... Psalm 23:6 via $ApostleDwann Blessings Prophet Andrea Roberts IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT We are celebrating Apostle Dwann's Birthday All Week long Join Us and sow a birthday blessing seed of $23.06 as we prophetically decree, "Surely Goodness and
mercy shall follow her all the days of her life".... Psalm 23:6 To Sow Your Birthday Blessing Seed: $Apostledwann Plan Your Visit: GlobalPropheticLife.com MEET US IN JACKSONVILLE FOR PROPHETIC CONVOCATION
2022!! She has an amazing testimony of God’s faithfulness Leading, learning and LABORING with me in this Global VISION God has given through GICMP Ministries. Under her leadership our GLOBAL PRAYER & PROPHECY PHONE OUTREACH ( GetProphecyNow.com - INeedPrayer.com”m)
continues to grow and impact THOUSANDS every year, even after 14 years … See you September 30 as we CELEBRATE 10 years of GICMP PROPHETIC CONVOCATION TRIED THROUGH THE FIRE !! THE First year of PROPHETIC CONVOCATION was 2013 with SPECIAL GUEST - Apostle Veter NicholsWe kicked it off via one of my FRIDAY NIGHT FIREs that I hosted for
several years in Jacksonville Florida. HERE are some photos ... And that was the FIRST year we also invested in a BILLBOARD ...sooooa, just in case anyone asks ...lol here it is ...it was DIGITAL back then too (2013) .... " WE NOT NEW TO THIS ..WE TRUE TO THIS!!!" (lol) FOR REAL THOUGH. History Discipline Consistency Obedience SAVE THE DATE AND MEET ME HERE IN JACKSONVILLE!!!
37 Prophetic Trainings for just $47 ($1900 VALUE)
Here's what you get IMMEDIATELY!!
- Overcoming Rejection Pt 1
- Overcoming Rejection Pt 2
- Overcoming Rejection Pt 3
- Your Prophetic Flow Pt 1
- Your Prophetic Flow Pt 2
- Your Prophetic Flow Pt 3
- Prophetic Analogy: Discerning The Prophetic Vs The Occult (Witchcraft)
- Prophetic Analogy : Discerning
- Prophetic Analogy: Interpreting Portals
- Understanding The Apostle
- Understanding The Prophet
- Understanding The Evangelist
- Understanding The Teacher
- Understanding The Pastor
- Prophetic Homiletics: Hermeneutics 101
- Prophetic Homiletics:Homiletics 101
- Prophetic Homiletics:Sermon Preparation 1 & 2
- Prophetic Homiletics:Prophetic Symbolism 1 & 2
- Prophetic Homiletics:Prophetic Demonstration 1 & 2
- Prophetic Homiletics:Prophetic Declaration
- Prophetic Homiletics:Prophetic Revelation
- Prophetic Homiletics:The Prophetic Delivery
- The Gift of Prophecy Versus The Spirit of Prophecy
- Winning Against Apostolic & Prophetic Witchcraft
- Prophetic Intercession 101
- Jax School of Prophets Jan 21
- Jax School of Prophets 21
- Jax School of Prophets 21
- Apostolic Insight from Apostle Dwann - Prophetic Convocation 2021
- Marketplace Ministry Masterclass
- Prophets of the Bible 101 - MAJOR PROPHETS OF THE BIBLE
- Prophets of the Bible 101 - MINOR PROPHETS OF THE BIBLE
- Prophets of the Bible 101 - FEMALE PROPHETS OF THE BIBLE
- Psychics versus Prophets
Plus You Get These Bonus Teachings RIGHT
- Dr. Paula Price - The World of Organizational Prophets
- Dr. Mario Maxwell - The New Prophetic Era
- Dr. Jennifer LeClaire - State of the Prophetic
- Dr. Pam Archibald - Angels & the Prophetic
- Dr. Taketa Williams - The Power of Prophetic Prayer
- Dr. Veter Nichols - The Birthing of Prophets
- Eli Davidson - How Prophets Can Profit the Right Way With Integrity
- LeesaReneeHall - The Truth About Why Ministries Fail
- Bonus #1 - Prophetic Destiny Make-over
- Bonus # 2 - Prophetic Success Panel
- Bonus # 3 - Opening Session with HOST Apostle Dwann Holmes Rollinson
- Bonus #4 - Closing Session and special impartation with HOST Apostle Dwann Holmes Rollinson
If you need an authentic prophetic advisement and apostolic guidance wrapped up in one, this is your time to get on my calendar. All sessions are LIVE with me and recorded and take place via zoom. The recording is delivered back to you via mp3.
You can book one for just $125 or if you need more, you can book (4) at a time for half off too.
Don't let another year go by without the right apostolic thrust.
When you click below you can listen in via an example of what type of session you will receive.
Don't wait too late,
Apostle Dwann
Last call at THIS RATE!!!!! Grab it now, while available. YEP, IT'S ONLY $59 AND OUR NEXT SESSION IS THIS SATURDAY JULY 2!! JOIN NOW!!
Hey there
What if there was support for you to ACTUALLY implement everything you’ve been wanting to do in your prophetic ministry or business?
Well, guess what? Now there is!
I’ve decided to do something really crazy again, IN A GOOD WAY!! (all of my friends and colleagues told me something was wrong with me for doing this....)
Introducing Unlimited Laser Coaching.
You, read that right.
For 90-days to 6 month you can get access to me to help you move your business or ministry forward.
But get this: you can use APOSTLEDWANN in coupon code for 70% off ...
Here’s the deal:
THE OFFER: This is UNLIMITED Laser Coaching for your business, ministry. We meet by phone for 15 minutes (30 minutes for our first call), confirm your business or ministry goals, identify the steps that will get you there, agree on homework to complete before your next call, and then I send you a recording of your call (and the link for your next session)!
You’ll send me what you’re going to work on as homework before our next call, and then you’re off to implement.
THE RULES: You can schedule as many 15 minute laser coaching sessions as you like over the next 6 months ( I won’t be available in September or December, but other than that, you’re good to go – and I will have plenty of availability for YOU!!).
You simply must do your homework before you schedule each session. This pushes you to take the action you need to take to get the results you want.
MY BIG WHY: I felt in my spirit that there are people who need me that can’t afford my high end programs, ESPECIALLY right through this pandemic. I am offering this SPECTACULAR DEAL to be of service to a few talented business owners or those of you who are ADVANCING in the PROPHETIC as a MENTOR, who are ready to get real results in working directly with me and they take fast action in deciding to leverage my expertise and
MY GUARANTEE: On our first (30) Minute Call - if you don't think I can absolutely help you achieve your business goals, then we'll cancel the agreement and I'll refund your money immediately.
No Risk! (Now some of yaw'll know ...I NEVER do this) But again, I really want to help YOU, reach your specific business goals.
So, are you interested? Go register now: https://dwannrollinson.samcart.com/products/unlimited-laser-business-coaching-copy/
Looking forward to helping you make your business SPECTACULAR. Yes, it's time to PROFIT IN YOUR PURPOSE!! And yes, if you need help with that NON-PROFIT business, I can help with that too! No worries, just REGISTER!
Let's go!
Dwann Holmes
aka Apostle Dwann
P.S. Remember, I only have (7) SLOTS available for this AMAZING program. If you're one of the (7) REGISTER quickly! Yes, we start right away!!