Several months ago, God showed me a generation of women 45 and older who really aren’t walking in their purposes. He made it plain and told me to gather them and minister to them as much as I could and poin them in the right direction.
Confirm that they are pastors, teachers, prophets, evangelists, business owners.
Confirm that they are more than just "helpers" and first ladies.
Confirm to them that there's
so much more that GOD wants to do in and through them!!!
Then, most recently here in 2023 He told me to GATHER them and take those who needed to go on a DEEP DIVE “LIFE-COACHING” experience!
He told me to gather them and tell them, IT’S NOT TOO LATE!!
Sooooa, that’s what this 30-day COHORT is all about.
You will find clarity and confirmation.
You will discover what it really takes to walk in your GOD-ORDAINED purpose this year, even if you FEEL like you’ve been left behind or that is IS TOO LATE.
Many times when trauma hits, we get stuck and feel like GOD took away His calling card.
But what I’ve learned in my moments of trauma and transition is that’s when GOD reaffirms and reconfirms me THE MOST!!
In the midst of my tragedies is when GOD
TOLD ME CLEARLY, I’m still going to use you and I’m still going to cause you to walk in a level of TRIUMPH you can’t fathom.
This is when GOD told me, GIRD UP YOUR LOINS, wipe your tears and LET’S GO!!
This is when GOD TOLD ME, look , you don’t have time to waste so LET’S FOCUS FORWARD.
Does this make sense to you?
Or sound about right in a crazy way!!
If you’re thinking yes, I want you to take this LEAP OF FAITH and join me for 30 days of ACTION!!
Apostle Dwann
reply back with any questions ...