Good morning {{ }}!
I hope you're doing well on this WEDNESDAY morning.
I'm great. Had a busy, busy, Tuesday.
Annnndd, today looks like it's going to be more busy than usual as well.
But thank GOD that over here, busy equates to PRODUCTIVE as well. LOL. FOR REAL!
Let me get to the point though!!
Right now the ONLY way to IMMEDIATELY download digital PDF VERSION THE APOSTOLIC PROPHET TEACHING MANUAL is by investing in
Once you make that investment AS A BONUS, I give you access to the DIGITAL VERSION that you can view immediately through your samcart portal if you missed the DOWNLOAD that comes after you leave the shopping cart.
Make sense?
Again, just sharing, as I know if typically one person has a question, someone else has the same one.
Now....eventually I may put it on KINDLE ...just thinking that through.
But again, you can always order the PAPER BACK VIA AMAZON and get next day or so via PRIME.
Otherwise, if you want to view RIGHT NOW, invest in the autographed version.
Enjoy your day!
Apostle Dwann